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Knistern zwischen zwei menschen

es knisterte zutraulich (Erich Kästner)

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Eine gewisse emotionale Distanz in der frühen Kennenlernphase. Ihr versucht ein so guter Partner für den anderen zu sein wie nur möglich.

Das Leben ist voll mit Momenten, Erlebnissen und Herrlichkeiten, die zu Herzlichkeiten werden. Manchmal ist da halt was, man spürt es einfach. Wer dem anderen die eigenen Gefühle nicht gleich offen zeigt. Und ich glaube das ist dann auch keine Einbildung.

Das knistern zwischen zwei Menschen - Das Problem ist nur: Es stimmt nicht.

Wie soll man hier jemanden kennenlernen. Nicht gerade die Art von Körperkontakt, die am Beginn einer großen Liebe steht. Emilio knistern zwischen zwei menschen sich bei einer jungen Frau, die er aus Versehen angerempelt hat, doch die dreht sich nicht mal zu ihm um. Emilio schaut auf den Zettel, den er am Eingang der Bar in die Hand gedrückt bekommt. Wie die meisten anderen würde er eigentlich an einem Montagabend allein zu Hause sitzen. Der Betriebswissenschaftler ist vor einem halben Jahr aus Ecuador nach Deutschland gekommen, um Arbeit zu finden. So steht es in der Beschreibung der neu. Die Einladungen zu den Events lese er aber immer. Und heute habe er sich gedacht: Warum nicht mal hingehen. Leute kennenzulernen sei nicht einfach hier in Deutschland, findet Emilio. Anfangs habe er interessante Frauen einfach auf der Straße angesprochen. In Südamerika überhaupt kein Problem. Da hat er wohl Recht. Im vergangenen Jahr veröffentlichte neu. Zwei Drittel von ihnen erwarten, dass knistern zwischen zwei menschen Partner nicht nur das gleiche Bildungsniveau hat wie sie selbst, sondern auch den gleichen Musikgeschmack, ja sogar die gleichen Vorlieben, was Essen angeht. Bei den Franzosen und Spaniern ist das nur rund der Hälfte wichtig. Auch bei der Sprache sind die Deutschen wählerisch. Dass man dieselbe Muttersprache haben sollte, verlangen 80 Prozent. In Schweden und Spanien fordert das gerade einmal die Hälfte. Jemand wie Emilio hat es in Deutschland nicht leicht. Einer Illusion aufgesessen Aber Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich eben gern, oder. Jeder glaubt das irgendwie — weil es so unmittelbar einleuchtend erscheint, dass zwei Menschen, die sich ähnlich sind, gut zueinanderpassen. Tatsächlich leuchtet das nicht nur Laien intuitiv ein, ein ganzer Berg wissenschaftlicher Studien bestätigte diese Vermutung. Menschen mit ähnlicher Persönlichkeit, ähnlichen Einstellungen, Lebenszielen oder Interessen finden sich nicht nur anziehender, sondern führen auch besonders zufriedenstellende und stabile Beziehungen. Diese Erkenntnis war in den vergangenen 60 Jahren ein Dogma in der Beziehungsforschung. Das Problem ist nur: Es stimmt nicht. Die Wissenschaft ist einer Illusion aufgesessen. Diese Illusion entstand aber nicht in den Köpfen der Forscher, sondern in denen ihrer Versuchspersonen, die sie überall in der Welt so fleißig getestet hatten. Die Versuchspersonen hatten angegeben, dass sie einen anderen sympathisch fanden, weil er ihnen so ähnlich war. Und die Forscher hatten sich darauf konzentriert herauszufinden, wie viel und welche Ähnlichkeit wie viel erotische Anziehung auslöste. Darüber vergaßen sie zunächst zu untersuchen, ob die behauptete Ähnlichkeit tatsächlich existierte oder nur eingebildet war. Denn solche Einbildungen gibt es ja, sagt Jule Specht: Was zählt, wenn es zwischen zwei Menschen funkt, ist nicht die reale Ähnlichkeit zwischen ihnen — sondern lediglich der Eindruck, dass man sich ähnlich ist. Die Personen können in Wirklichkeit ganz verschieden sein. Aber wenn sie das Gefühl haben, sich in vielen Punkten zu ähneln, dann führt das zu größerer Sympathie. Dass sich die wahrgenommene sehr von der tatsächlichen Ähnlichkeit unterscheiden kann, kristallisierte sich erst in knistern zwischen zwei menschen vergangenen Jahren heraus — als Psychologen begannen, ihre Untersuchungsmethoden zu ändern und zu überprüfen, was an der von den Testpersonen behaupteten Ähnlichkeit dran war. Da sind die Effekte, die wir beobachten können, leider extrem schwach. Die gefühlte Ähnlichkeit ist demnach eher ein Beweis der Anziehung als knistern zwischen zwei menschen Voraussetzung. Das heißt: Man verliebt sich nicht, weil man sich ähnelt. Sondern: Man hat sich verliebt und glaubt erst deshalb, dass man sich ähnlich ist. Für Emilio, den Ecuadorianer in Berlin, kommen diese Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft zu spät. Hat er doch Stunden damit verbracht, auf den Fragebogen diverser Partnervermittlungen Charaktereigenschaften und Vorlieben anzuklicken, die er bei sich festgestellt hat und auch bei seiner künftigen Partnerin wünscht. Und einmal ist es ihm passiert, dass er eine Bekanntschaft gemacht hat, von der sich ganz am Ende herausstellte, dass sie ihm ähnlicher war, als ihm lieb war. In einem dunklen Berliner Club hatte er mit einer hübschen Frau getanzt, eine Stunde lang. Wie ähnlich sich zwei Menschen tatsächlich sind, ist unerheblich. Und das gilt nicht nur für den Beginn einer Liebe, sondern auch für ihre Entwicklung. Dies konnte die Psychologin Adrienne Kaufman an über 10. Bei fast zwei Drittel der erfassten Paare trafen Partner aufeinander, deren Persönlichkeit eher unähnlich war. Mit nur fünf Kategorien lassen sich die wichtigsten Aspekte der Persönlichkeit abbilden: emotionale Stabilität, soziale Verträglichkeit, Offenheit für Erfahrungen, Gewissenhaftigkeit und Extraversion. Die Wissenschaftlerin fand heraus, dass meist einer der Partner recht hoch auf einer Dimension punktete, also etwa emotional stabil war, während der andere eher niedriger lag, also eher emotional instabil war. Sie untersuchte auch, ob die unähnlichen Paare mehr Probleme miteinander hatten als die Paare mit sehr ähnlichen Persönlichkeiten. Zwischen Ähnlichkeit und Beziehungsglück gibt es keinen Zusammenhang, lautete das Ergebnis. Ob sich die Partner ähnelten oder nicht, spielte für das Gelingen ihrer Beziehung keine Rolle. Allerdings: Paare, bei denen beide Partner hohe Punktzahlen auf allen fünf Skalen hatten, führten eine glücklichere Ehe als jene, bei denen beide Partner überall eher niedrigere Punktzahlen hatten. Was ja auch ganz logisch ist: Zwei stabile, offene, gewissenhafte, verträgliche und extravertierte Menschen sind zusammen glücklicher als zwei instabile, verschlossene, introvertierte, wenig gewissenhafte und umgängliche Menschen. Die Persönlichkeit des Einzelnen zählt für seine Zufriedenheit in Beziehungen mehr als die Ähnlichkeit mit dem jeweiligen Partner. Und es gibt einen ganz bestimmten Persönlichkeitstyp, der mit sehr vielen Partnern sehr glücklich werden kann. Dieser Typ ist nicht zufällig auch genau der, den Menschen beschreiben, wenn knistern zwischen zwei menschen sie nach ihrem idealen Partner fragt: ein gefestigter, umgänglicher, warmherziger, zuverlässiger und offener Mensch. Respekt und positiver Umgang ist wichtiger Doch kommt es beim Suchen und Findern der Liebe nicht nur auf den anderen an. Und noch nicht einmal auf sich selbst. Sie durchforsteten einen Datensatz von mehr als 10. Demnach trägt die eigene Persönlichkeit nur klägliche sechs Knistern zwischen zwei menschen zur Beziehungszufriedenheit bei. Und das ist noch viel gemessen an dem Einfluss, den die Persönlichkeit des Partners auf die eigene Zufriedenheit ausübt: gerade mal drei Prozent. Und die Ähnlichkeit zwischen den Partnern. Aber was ist es dann, was darüber entscheidet, ob eine Liebe glückt oder nicht. Zum einen die Umstände, sagen Dyrenforth und Co. Krisen, Krankheiten, Unfälle, Kriege — es gibt so vieles, was die Liebe zerstören kann. Und zum anderen die Qualität der Interaktion — wie gut es den Partnern gelingt, respektvoll miteinander umzugehen und zu reden. In guten wie in schlechten Zeiten. Was heißt das für Emilio und die anderen rund sieben Millionen Menschen, die in Deutschland im Internet auf der Suche nach dem Richtigen sind. Lohnen sich die vielen Stunden der Suche in den Klickportalen überhaupt. Die Idee, im Schutz räumlicher Distanz und mit so viel Zeit wie nötig nach einem passenden Gegenstück zu suchen, gefällt besonders den 40- bis 60-Jährigen. Denn diese Altersgruppe hat es am schwierigsten, die Anzahl der frei Verfügbaren auf dem Beziehungsmarkt lichtet sich ab 40 deutlich. Jede fünfte Beziehung beginnt inzwischen online, fanden Forscher der Universität München im vergangenen Jahr heraus. Es gibt Singlebörsen für Flirts, es gibt Portale für Affären und Seitensprünge, spezielle Dating-Seiten für Lesben und Schwule, Alleinerziehende, besonders Religiöse oder Menschen mit Handicaps. Und es gibt die etablierten Partnerportale, wie ElitePartner, Parship, eDarling oder partner. Diese versprechen, mithilfe eines ausgeklügelten Matching-Algorithmus nur Partner vorzuschlagen, die besonders gut zum Suchenden passen. Und dafür arbeiten sie vor allem mit dem Ähnlichkeitsprinzip. Ganz so, als gäbe es keine psychologische Forschung, die die glücksbringende Wirkung des Ähnlichkeitsprinzips widerlegt hat. Partnervermittlungen halten sich bedeckt All den hoffenden Singles, die bei der Anmeldung in einem Partnerportal akribisch die langen Fragebögen ausfüllen, die die Persönlichkeit erfassen, die Einstellungen, Lebensziele und Wertvorstellungen, können die Wissenschaftler jedenfalls nicht viel Mut machen. Fragt man Jule Specht und Paul Eastwick, dann sind die einzigen Merkmale, bei denen die Ähnlichkeit der Partner sinnvoll sein kann: Alter, Religion, Kinderwunsch. Alles andere, Bildungsniveau, Hobbys, sogar die Muttersprache, ist nicht so wichtig. Und warum setzen dann die Partnervermittlungen so auf Ähnlichkeit und behaupten, dabei wissenschaftlich basiert vorzugehen. Haben sie vielleicht doch Daten, die etwas anderes zeigen. Aber die Jahre gehen ins Land, und bisher ist nichts Derartiges aufgetaucht. Davon hält Specht gar nichts. Es gebe so gut wie keine Studie, die zeige, dass bestimmte Unterschiede für ein Paar optimal wären. Ein Schlag ins Kontor der Vermittlungsfirmen. Doch diese machen weiter wie zuvor. Dazu noch eine Prise Knistern zwischen zwei menschen und das Beziehungsglück ist perfekt. Gefühlte Ähnlichkeit könnte vielleicht helfen Lisa Fischbach, die bei ElitePartner das Matchmaking leitet, reagiert gelassen. Dem aktuellen Forschungsstand zufolge könnte sie damit aber nur in einer einzigen Hinsicht recht haben: Die vermittelten Partner erhalten durch das Matching bereits vor dem Treffen den Eindruck, dem anderen ähnlich zu sein. Diese gefühlte Ähnlichkeit muss sich dann allerdings beim ersten Treffen der beiden Suchenden auch bestätigen. Knistern zwischen zwei menschen Lénard, Head of Scientific Development and Matchmaking bei Parship, ist da selbstkritischer: Ja, es bestehe immer noch ein großer Forschungsbedarf. Lénard stimmt dem Paarforscher Eastwick sogar darin zu, dass es gar nicht ausschlaggebend sei, ob die Partner sich ähnelten. Es gehe ja vor allem darum, Partnersuchenden die Möglichkeit zu bieten, anderen Singles zu begegnen — und wenigstens zu versuchen, eine Vorauswahl zu treffen. Und Joachim Rabe, Managing Director bei neu. Welcher Kunde klickt wo am meisten. Wenn man wisse, auf welchen Typ Mensch ein Nutzer anspringe, könne man versuchen, ähnliche Typen vorzuschlagen. Das tatsächliche Verhalten zu berücksichtigen, hält Jule Specht denn auch für eine innovative Idee. Um sich kennenzulernen, in der wirklichen Welt, offline und ganz in echt. Denn wenn sich die Mitgliedschaft bei einer Vermittlungsbörse lohne, dann wegen der Angebotsvielfalt. Deshalb: Zugreifen, sich mit Menschen treffen, und sehen, ob es passt. Die Forscher sind in dieser Hinsicht also auch nicht weiter als Emilio. Nur selten kommt die Liebe dann, wenn man sie knistern zwischen zwei menschen.

Er liebt zwei Frauen - Was tun?
Es gibt Singlebörsen für Flirts, es gibt Portale für Affären und Seitensprünge, spezielle Dating-Seiten für Lesben und Schwule, Alleinerziehende, besonders Religiöse oder Menschen mit Handicaps. Warum finden wir manche Menschen aufregend und interessant, während uns andere kalt lassen? Das ist Stress pur, für alle Beteiligten. Es wäre auf jeden Fall hilfreich, wenn Sie mit Anna noch einmal darüber sprechen, warum sie sich getrennt hat. Ich frage das allgemein, weil ich immer wieder denke, dass man sich das leicht auch einbildet. Das Wort zutraulich passt dazu. Nachdem nun ein wenig Gras über die ganze Sache gewachsen ist, können Maren und Alex wenigstens wieder freundschaftlich miteinander umgehen. Es gehe ja vor allem darum, Partnersuchenden die Möglichkeit zu bieten, anderen Singles zu begegnen — und wenigstens zu versuchen, eine Vorauswahl zu treffen.

0 Tovább

Partnersuche spirituell

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Durch innere Bereitschaft und äußere Gelegenheit. Die Hoffnung dahinter liegt auf der Hand: Ein solcher Partner passt besonders gut zu einem selbst und das gegenseitige Verständnis ist besonders groß. Demnach ist ein, langlaufpartner schweiz, spirituelles, sensibel: von in zürich frau sucht frau für aktive singles: - singles und events; kostenlose mastercard; kalender. Doch — wie findet man einen Partner oder eine Partnerin mit der gleichen spirituellen Lebensart, der oder die auch sonst mit seinen anderen Charaktereigenschaften, seinen Hobbies und auch sonst zu einem passt?

So finden wir es am Ende sehr bedauerlich, dass die Verfasserin über die Fragen so schockiert war, dass sie den Weg zu Gleichklang nicht gefunden hat. Zu nennen sind hier z.

Willkommen bei der spirituellen Partnersuche - Der Sinn einer spirituellen Partnerschaft liegt m.

Hier treffen Sie etwa 17. Mit sehr feinen Partnersuche-Kriterien von Rohköstler Instincto bis Freeganer :- jaii. Und eben nicht nur über partnersuche spirituell Liebe. Zur Partnersuche also nur ein bisschen geeignet. Die Community steht im Vordergrund. Die Seite ist modern und gut zu bedienen. Vorwiegend mit Empathie verfasste Profiltexte und viele attraktive Mitglieder, männlich wie weiblich, trifft man hier an. Auch hier steht nicht unbedingt die Liebe im Vordergrund. Eher der Community-Gedanke - und, dass sich aus einer gemeinsamen Aktivität neue Freundschaften entwickeln, die dann vielleicht einmal zu einer Partnerschaft führen. Singlebörsen für die Esoterik-Partnersuche sind eine Nische in Deutschland. Allerdings eine sehr stabile Nische, die immer mal ein wenig Aufwind bekommt. Durch dieses Nischen-Dasein sind Singlebörsen für esoterische Singles natürlich besonders wertvoll, was aber nicht heißt, dass nicht auch eine Chance bekommen sollten. Was sollte man bei der spirituellen Partnersuche beachten. Auf jeden Fall beachten sollte man bei der spirituellen Partnersuche, dass man eine tatsächich gute und seriöse Singlebörse für Singles mit esoterischem Interesse findet. Leider gibt es im Internet oft auch Seiten, die partnersuche spirituell der spirituellen Partnersuche viel versprechen, aber kaum etwas halten. Darum haben wir für Sie alle spirituellen Kontaktbörsen, die wirklich etwas taugen, übersichtlich zusammengestellt. Die meisten Singlebörsen für esoterische Singles sind auch gleichzeitig eine Community. Ich bin nicht Materie, die eine spirituelle Erfahrung macht. Ich bin ein spirituelles Wesen, das diese menschliche Erfahrung macht. Warnung: Halten Sie sich von allen Angeboten partnersuche spirituell Internet fern, die Ihnen die sofortige Erfüllung all Ihrer Beziehungsträume durch die Anwendung von bestimmten Liebesritualen, Liebesgetränken oder Voodoo-Anwendungen versprechen. Was ist mit anderen alternativen Singlebörsen. Andere alternative Singlebörsen gibt es beispielsweise in den Bereichen Veganismus bzw. Gerade bei Singles, die sich für Ernährung, Sport und Körperkult interessieren, ist das Interesse an einer eigenen Singlebörse bzw. Daher gibt es auch eine wachsende Anzahl an alternativen Singlebörsen, die auf die Bedürfnisse und Interessen von ganz speziellen Zielgruppen zugeschnitten sind.

Partnersuche Spirituelle Singles
Dazu braucht es Erfahrungen, die uns erst mal die Schwächen bewusst machen. Kann es wirklich so sein, wie das Beziehungsorakel sagt? Doch die Mytik und Magie hat sich bei den noch nicht so richtig etabliert. Eine Singlebörse wird oft kritisch betrachtet, und das zu recht. Ich weiss, dass man auf Singlebörsen die unterschiedlichsten Menschen kennen lernen kann. Und dadurch werden die Energien täglich auf dem gleichen Stand gehalten. Als eine der wenigen rühmlichen Ausnahmen unter den großen Internet-Partnerbörsen sticht heraus. Julie , 51 aus 82041 Oberhaching. Es sei denn, beide sind bereits fast am Ende ihrer eigenen Entwicklung zum eigenen Ganzen angelangt.

0 Tovább

Army brigadier general promotion list 2017

Great choice of article! Want to finish it?

❤️ Click here: Army brigadier general promotion list 2017

It is just above Colonel and below Major General. Brevet brigadier general, 29 Apr 1826; brevet major general, 23 Feb 1847.

Army Environmental Command for nearly two years in Maryland, Gervais took over in May 2010 as chief of staff for the director of the Iraq Train and Advise Mission. In addition to the general officers commissioned in the Provisional Army, the Regular Army was authorized three more brigadier generals of the line and an with the ex officio rank of brigadier general. This is a list of the serving generals of the Bangladesh Army's General Officer posts.

Great choice of article! Want to finish it? - Spanish—American War Congress raised a new force of volunteers to fight the in 1898, and mustered a second volunteer force a year later for the.

This is a complete list of in the United States before February 2, 1901. The grade of brigadier general or one-star general is ordinarily the fourth-highest in the peacetime Army, ranking above and below two-star general. The grade of brigadier general was the highest peacetime in the Regular Army during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and the second-highest for most of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was also rare: until 1901 there were fewer than twenty brigadier generals on active duty at any given time. Even during times of war, the number of Regular Army brigadier generals remained relatively constant, because rather than expand the permanent military establishment to meet transient wartime requirements, the Regular Army served as a for a much larger temporary force of and. Many famous generals of the held high rank only in the volunteer service, and reverted to much lower permanent grades in the Regular Army when the volunteers were disbanded after the war. The number of Regular Army brigadier generals increased dramatically when the Army was reorganized after the. In addition to increasing the number of brigadier generals of the line from six to fifteen, the Army instituted a practice of funneling a succession of senior colonels through each vacancy in the grade of brigadier general, each officer in turn being promoted and retired at the higher rank and retired pay after only one day in grade. The reorganization took effect on February 2, 1901. Historically, the United States Army included two components: the permanently established , which constituted the peacetime force; and, during time of war, a much larger non-permanent establishment comprising various volunteer, conscript, and federalized state forces. The following list of brigadier generals includes all officers appointed to that rank in the line or staff of the United States Regular Army prior to February 2, 1901. It does not include officers who held that rank solely by brevet or in the non-permanent or non-federal establishments, such as brigadier generals of militia or volunteers. Each entry lists the officer's name; date of rank; date the officer vacated the active-duty rank; number of years on active duty as brigadier general Yrs ; and other biographical notes. The list is sortable by active-duty appointment order, last name, date of rank, date vacated, and number of years on active duty as brigadier general. Name Date of rank Date vacated Yrs Notes 1 5 Mar 1792 2 Mar 1813 21 1757—1825 Promoted to , 2 Mar 1813. Promoted to , 2 Mar 1813. Brevet major general of militia, 20 Aug 1812—31 Aug 1812. Killed in action at. Brigadier general of volunteers, 12 Jun 1813—19 Jul 1813. Awarded and , 1814. Brevet major general, 11 Sep 1814. Awarded and , 1814. Awarded and , 1814. Brevet major general, 25 Jul 1814; brevet lieutenant general, 29 Mar 1847. Awarded and , 1814. Major general of militia, 1 Apr 1803—30 May 1814; major general of volunteers, 10 Dec 1812—30 May 1814. Awarded and , 1815. Brevet major general, 8 May 1828. Brevet brigadier general, 29 Apr 1826; brevet major general, 23 Feb 1847. Awarded and , 1854. Brevet brigadier general, 30 Jun 1846; brevet major general, 23 Sep 1846. Brevet major general, 13 Sep 1847. Brevet brigadier general, 23 Sep 1846; brevet major general, 20 Aug 1847. Major general of militia, 23 Apr 1861—27 Apr 1861; Provisional Army of Virginia major general, 27 Apr 1861—4 May 1861, and brigadier general, 4 May 1861—14 May 1861; brigadier general, 14 May 1861—4 Jul 1861, and general, 4 Jul 1861—2 May 1865. Brevet major general, 31 May 1862. Brevet brigadier general, 6 May 1861. Major general of volunteers, 14 Mar 1862—1 Sep 1866. Brevet major general, 14 Mar 1865. Brevet major general, 5 Jul 1864. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 7 May 1861; brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 4 Jul 1861; brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 17 May 1861—21 Mar 1862; major general of volunteers, 21 Mar 1862—1 Sep 1866. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 17 May 1861—5 May 1862; major general of volunteers, 5 May 1862—1 Sep 1866. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 28 Mar 1847; brevet major general, 21 Apr 1864. Brigadier general of volunteers, 31 Aug 1861—29 Nov 1862; major general of volunteers, 29 Nov 1862—18 Aug 1864. Awarded , 1864 and 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 17 May 1861—1 May 1862; major general of volunteers, 1 May 1862—12 Aug 1864. Killed in action at. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 3 Aug 1861—25 Apr 1862; major general of volunteers, 25 Apr 1862—15 Dec 1864. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 23 Sep 1861—29 Nov 1862; major general of volunteers, 29 Nov 1862—26 Jul 1866. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 1 Jul 1862—31 Dec 1862; major general of volunteers, 31 Dec 1862—8 Nov 1864. Brigadier general of volunteers, 21 Nov 1861—29 Nov 1862 and 4 Mar 1863—12 May 1863; major general of volunteers, 29 Nov 1862—4 Mar 1863 and 12 May 1863—1 Sep 1866. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 3 Sep 1861—29 Nov 1862; major general of volunteers, 29 Nov 1862—1 Jan 1869. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Awarded , 1862; , 1864. Brigadier general of volunteers, 25 Apr 1862—20 Apr 1865; major general of volunteers, 20 Apr 1865—1 Sep 1866. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 26 Aug 1864. Brevet brigadier general, 23 Feb 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 11 Aug 1863—3 Mar 1865. Brevet major general, 9 Apr 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 24 Feb 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 14 Sep 1861—2 May 1862; major general of volunteers, 2 May 1862—1 Sep 1866. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 28 Apr 1862—8 Jul 1863; major general of volunteers, 8 Jul 1863—1 Sep 1866. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet major general, 28 Mar 1867. Brevet brigadier general, brevet major general, and brevet major general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, brevet major general, and brevet major general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 24 Sep 1864; brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Apr 1865. Brevet brigadier general, brevet major general, and brevet major general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Apr 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 7 Sep 1862—21 Oct 1864; major general of volunteers, 21 Oct 1864—15 Jan 1866. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 18 Jul 1864. Brevet brigadier general, 17 Sep 1864; brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 15 Apr 1862—8 Aug 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 9 Apr 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 23 Sep 1861—17 Jul 1862 and 13 Sep 1862—4 Mar 1863. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 14 Sep 1861—19 Jul 1862 and 24 Mar 1863—12 May 1864; major general of volunteers, 18 Jul 1862—24 Mar 1863 and 12 May 1864—1 Sep 1866. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 15 Oct 1867. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 29 Nov 1862—13 Dec 1864; major general of volunteers, 13 Dec 1864—15 Jan 1866. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Senior major general of the line commanding the Army with rank of lieutenant general, 6 Jun 1900—2 Feb 1901. Brigadier general of volunteers, 12 May 1864—21 Oct 1865; major general of volunteers, 21 Oct 1865—1 Sep 1866. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 2 Mar 1867; brevet major general of volunteers, 25 Aug 1864. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 23 May 1863—1 Sep 1866. Brevet brigadier general, 5 Jul 1864; brevet major general and brevet major general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 23 May 1863—1 Sep 1866. Brevet brigadier general, brevet major general, and brevet major general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 31 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 23 Sep 1861—30 Mar 1863 and 18 Apr 1864—31 Jan 1866; major general of volunteers, 30 Mar 1863—18 Apr 1864. Brevet brigadier general, brevet major general, and brevet major general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 28 Apr 1862—1 Sep 1866. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 1 Sep 1864. Brigadier general of volunteers, 29 Nov 1862—1 Sep 1866. Brevet brigadier general, 2 Mar 1867; brevet major general of volunteers, 30 Nov 1864. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 2 Mar 1867; brevet major general of volunteers, 1 Aug 1864. Promoted to , 10 Feb 1906. Brigadier general of volunteers, 29 Jun 1863—1 Apr 1865; major general of volunteers, 1 Apr 1865—1 Feb 1866. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 19 Oct 1864. Brigadier general of volunteers, 12 May 1864—1 Feb 1866. Brevet brigadier general, 2 Mar 1867; brevet major general of volunteers, 1 Aug 1864. Promoted to , 11 Apr 1903. Major general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—30 Nov 1898. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 2 Mar 1867; brevet major general of volunteers, 10 Feb 1865. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 3 Sep 1861—17 Jul 1862; major general of volunteers, 17 Jul 1862—21 Oct 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 28 Oct 1864. Brigadier general of volunteers, 29 Nov 1862—30 Apr 1866. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 19 Oct 1864. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 11 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Apr 1863—1 Feb 1866. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 30 Jun 1865. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general of volunteers, 19 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Major general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—16 Jun 1900. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865; brevet major general, 4 Feb 1899. Brevet brigadier general, 9 Apr 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 19 May 1865—15 Jan 1866. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 19 Oct 1864; brevet brigadier general, 9 Apr 1865. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Major general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—30 Jun 1901. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Major general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—30 Nov 1898. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Major general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—12 Jun 1899. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Feb 1865. Major general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—24 Feb 1899. Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Promoted to , 12 Apr 1903. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Promoted to , 15 Apr 1906. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—8 Jul 1898; major general of volunteers, 8 Jul 1898—30 Nov 1898. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 28 Oct 1864; brevet brigadier general, 27 Feb 1890. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 13 Mar 1865. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 28 Mar 1865. Promoted to , 21 Jan 1904. Brigadier general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—31 Oct 1898. Brigadier general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—12 Apr 1899. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 15 Jul 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 4 May 1898—8 Jul 1898 and 13 Apr 1899—10 Jan 1900; major general of volunteers, 8 Jul 1898—13 Apr 1899. Brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 9 Apr 1865. Brigadier general of volunteers, 27 May 1898—13 Aug 1898; major general of volunteers, 13 Aug 1898—18 Feb 1901. Promoted to , 8 Oct 1905. Brigadier general of volunteers, 21 Sep 1898—24 Mar 1899. Line By February 1, 1901, there were six brigadier generals of the line. An officer held the permanent grade of brigadier general until his death; retirement; resignation; discharge; dismissal; or promotion to a higher permanent grade such as major general , lieutenant general , or general. An officer's Regular Army grade was not affected by brevet appointments or appointments in other organizations such as the United States Volunteers or the Confederate States Army. Staff By February 1, 1901, there were ten brigadier generals of the staff: the Quartermaster General , the Inspector General , the Chief of Ordnance , the Surgeon General , the Commissary General of Subsistence , the Chief of Engineers , the Judge Advocate General , the Paymaster General , the Chief Signal Officer , and the Chief of the Records and Pension Office. In addition, the office of Adjutant General was scheduled to revert to brigadier general rank after the term of its then-incumbent. For the first two years of its existence, the was so small that its highest-ranking officer was a lieutenant colonel, , who, as the Army's , held the rank of brigadier general only by. The substantive grades of major general and brigadier general were created in 1791 when the Army was expanded to fight the ; a major general was immediately appointed to supersede Harmar, in whom confidence had been lost following the year before, but the brigadier general grade remained vacant until Harmar resigned in early 1792, whereupon the Army's only other lieutenant colonel, , became its first substantive brigadier general. In response to its the Army was reorganized as the , merging its separate infantry, cavalry, and artillery regiments into four sub-legions. To entice former generals to command the sub-legions, Congress authorized four additional brigadier generalcies, but so many candidates declined these appointments that the sub-legions had to be commanded by lieutenant colonels instead. The additional brigadier generalcies expired along with the grade of major general when the Army reconstituted its regiments after the war, leaving Wilkinson as the Army's senior officer and sole brigadier general. Quasi-War In July 1798 the with induced Congress to augment the Regular Army by raising a Provisional Army for the duration of the conflict. In addition to the general officers commissioned in the Provisional Army, the Regular Army was authorized three more brigadier generals of the line and an with the ex officio rank of brigadier general. Both were discharged when Congress disbanded the Provisional Army in June 1800, again leaving Wilkinson as the only brigadier general. War of 1812 Tensions arising from the led Congress to triple the authorized strength of the Army in 1808, for a total of three brigadier generals: Wilkinson, , and. Four years later, with the looming, Congress authorized a massive expansion of the military establishment, led by two major generals; five more brigadier generals of the line; and an adjutant general, an inspector general, and a quartermaster general with ex officio ranks of brigadier general. After the war the Army reverted to a much smaller peacetime establishment. Of the fifteen brigadier generals in the Army at the beginning of 1815, only five were retained in grade: , , , , and Adjutant and Inspector General. The remaining ten either resigned, were discharged as surplus in grade, or were retained in the Army at the grade of colonel. In 1821 another round of Army cuts reduced Macomb, Parker, and to colonel, leaving Gaines, Scott, and as the Army's only brigadier generals. Gaines, Scott, and Jesup would monopolize the rank for a generation, spending a combined total of 104 years as brigadier generals. Jesup, appointed Quartermaster General at the age of 30, would serve a record 42 years as brigadier general, finally dying in office on the eve of the. Scott was promoted to major general in 1841 and was succeeded by Inspector General , the first promotion to brigadier general in over twenty years. Mexican War The triggered a temporary increase in the number of general officers. In 1846 Congress authorized two additional brigadier generals on the condition that they be discharged immediately upon the ratification of a peace treaty; career Regular Army officers and were promoted to the new grades. The next year, three more wartime grades were authorized; , , and were appointed directly from civilian life. Hopping died a few months after his appointment, and the two remaining civilian generals were duly discharged at the end of the war, but Congress allowed Twiggs and Kearny to remain in grade while normal attrition reduced the number of brigadier generals to the desired peacetime total. Gaines and Kearny died within a year, leaving Wool and Twiggs as the two brigadier generals of the line authorized by statute. In 1855 Congress increased the Army by four regiments and added a third brigadier generalcy of the line, which it intended for , a former brigadier general of volunteers during the Mexican War who had just been defeated for reelection to the Senate. However, Scott, the Army's only major general, was almost seventy years old and likely to be succeeded by a brigadier general of the line. Since Wool and Twiggs were around the same age as Scott, the person appointed to the third brigadier generalcy could reasonably expect to become the next. Rather than vault the civilian Shields to potential command of the professional Army in a single bound, the administration instead promoted Colonel , a distinguished career officer. Ironically, Wool and Twiggs both outlived Smith, who died unexpectedly in 1858 and was succeeded by Colonel. In the end, none of the Army's prewar generals would retain high command in the United States Army during the Civil War. Of the five general officers in the Regular Army at the outbreak of hostilities, Scott retired almost immediately, Wool and Harney were sidelined and retired midway through the war, Twiggs was dismissed for after surrendering the garrison in Texas, and Quartermaster General resigned to join the. Civil War During the Congress augmented the permanent Regular Army with a massive temporary force of volunteers and conscripts. The overwhelming majority of Civil War brigadier generals were appointed to that grade only in the volunteer service, so hundreds of wartime generals lost their ranks when the volunteers were disbanded after the war. Early wartime vacancies in the Regular Army grade of brigadier general were filled on the basis of prewar experience or anticipated brilliance, and included Colonels and , Inspector General , and Major , all senior stalwarts of the peacetime Army; plus two relative newcomers, Brevet Assistant Adjutant General and former First Lieutenant. By mid-1862 permanent Regular Army brigadier generalcies were being dangled as rewards for particularly successful volunteer generals, many of whom had been civilians or very junior Regular officers before the war; these later appointments went to Colonels and ; Major ; Captains , , , , and ; former Captain ; and First Lieutenant — all major generals of volunteers — and civilian , a brigadier general of volunteers. Most of the Army's wartime bureau chiefs were eventually elevated to the ex officio rank of brigadier general, including the , the , the , the , the , and the. In 1864 was appointed with the rank of brigadier general to administer the non-Regular volunteers and draftees; unique among ex officio general officers of this era, Fry lost his rank when his office was abolished after the volunteers were disbanded in 1866. In 1865 Congress established the office of Chief of Staff to the Lieutenant General with ex officio rank of brigadier general as a mechanism to transfer Brigadier General of Volunteers to the Regular Army so that he could continue to serve as Lieutenant General 's principal military assistant after the war; the office terminated when Rawlins became President Grant's first Secretary of War in 1869. The postwar demobilization of the volunteers reduced most Civil War officers to much lower permanent grades in the Regular Army or to civilian life, so in 1866 Congress tripled the size of the Regular Army to create enough new force structure to reward officers with the grades their wartime service merited. To recognize the many outstanding volunteer officers who had not been professional soldiers before the war, half of the new commissions were reserved for civilian volunteers and the other half for prewar professionals. As a result, many civilian volunteers gained seniority over long-serving Regulars with similar or better records. For example, by 1886 stood only eleventh on the list of colonels of the line despite having outranked during the war all ten colonels now senior to him; Merritt was appointed only a lieutenant colonel in 1866, while civilians like and were appointed to colonelcies for which Merritt, a Regular officer, was ineligible, and twenty years later Ruger and Willcox were both promoted to brigadier general ahead of him. Postwar Promotions in the Regular Army ground almost to a halt in the years following the Civil War, largely due to the glut of Civil War heroes who were rewarded with senior grades at a relatively young age and then camped in those grades for decades; dramatic reductions in the size of the peacetime military establishment squeezed the promotion bottleneck even tighter. Congress cut the number of brigadier generals of the line to eight in 1869 and to six a year later; , , and eventually cleared the path for Lieutenant Colonel to become a brigadier general of the line in 1873, the only such promotion between 1869 and 1880. Promotions did not resume their normal flow until Congress instituted a mandatory retirement age of sixty-four in 1882. Famous officers campaigned openly for every vacancy in the grade of brigadier general. Custer was killed in 1876 making his eponymous and Mackenzie was promoted to brigadier general in 1882 but pronounced hopelessly insane two years later and involuntarily retired, but Miles — promoted to brigadier general in 1880 when President agreed to accelerate Army promotions by involuntarily retiring Brigadier General — ascended to command of the entire Army and retired as a lieutenant general. Political patronage weighed heavily in general officer appointments during this period. In January 1892 Secretary of War wanted to promote Colonel to a vacant brigadier generalcy, but Elkins' influential predecessor, , lobbied vigorously for Colonel , while backed Colonel , backed Colonel , and backed Colonel , who ultimately received the appointment in April. When the next vacancy opened in June, Elkins, Proctor, and Schofield agreed that Carr would be promoted but request to retire early so that Carlin could also be promoted and retired in time for Otis to be promoted before the end of President 's administration; since Carr had only two years until statutory retirement but Otis had more than a decade, this sequence would prevent the grade from falling vacant during the next four-year presidential term, thereby denying Harrison's successor an opportunity to reward a supporter. However, once promoted, Carr angrily repudiated this arrangement, claiming no one had told him he would have to retire early, so Harrison retired him involuntarily and nominated Otis for immediate promotion, skipping Carlin entirely. Carlin was promoted anyway when Otis agreed to defer his promotion at the behest of the next President, , who remembered Carlin fondly from a brief period of shared service early in the Civil War. Spanish—American War Congress raised a new force of volunteers to fight the in 1898, and mustered a second volunteer force a year later for the. In contrast to previous wars, no additional general officers were authorized in the Regular Army, confining the expansion of the general officer corps entirely to the non-permanent volunteer service. Echoing Civil War practice, volunteer generals were drawn from both Regular officers and civilians, with particularly prominent volunteer generals being rewarded with permanent brigadier generalcies in the Regular Army, including former major general. Many of the Army's wartime supply problems were blamed on the unusually rapid turnover of bureau chiefs before and during the war — four Quartermasters General and six Commissaries General of Subsistence in the 30 months before the war — due to a peacetime personnel policy that promoted general officers based on past service rather than future merit. In February 1882 President involuntarily retired sixty-five-year-old Quartermaster General in order to give seventy-year-old Assistant Quartermaster General the chance to be Quartermaster General himself before he died. Rucker served as Quartermaster General for only ten days before being retired at his own request, inaugurating a decades-long tradition of briefly elevating elderly staff officers to the top of their bureau as a reward for long service. The use of brigadier generalcies as retirement gifts spread to the line in 1886 when Colonel was promoted to brigadier general only six months before his statutory retirement date, signaling a shift in promotion policy to reward distinguished Civil War veterans with higher retired rank and pay. Potter was succeeded by Colonel , another six-month general who was succeeded on a more permanent basis by Colonel. As such generals became more common, their tenure in grade dropped from months to weeks to days, finally hitting bottom in October 1899 when a single vacant brigadier generalcy cycled through five occupants in five days, each officer in turn being promoted one day and retired the next. The reorganization of the peacetime Army after the Spanish—American War more than doubled the number of brigadier generals of the line, allowing the administration to strike a balance between rewarding aging war heroes who would retire in months or even hours, and elevating more vigorous leaders who could lead the Army for years. By March 1906 the Army's retired list included 115 brigadier generals who had been promoted to that grade on the active list and immediately retired, plus another 101 who had been promoted on the retired list, so Congress called an end to the parade of one-day generals by requiring general officers to serve at least one year in grade before requesting retirement. The following list of Congressional legislation includes all directly pertaining to appointments to the grade of brigadier general in the Regular Army. It does not include legislation pertaining solely to appointments to that grade in the non-permanent establishment, or by brevet. Each entry lists an act of Congress, its citation in the , the total number of active-duty brigadier generals authorized subsequent to the act, the subsequent number of active-duty brigadier generals of the line, the subsequent number of active-duty brigadier generals of the staff, and a summary of the act's relevance. Appointments in the volunteer service are listed under the non-permanent establishment, while Regular Army appointments are listed under the permanent establishment. For background, see Fry. An officer could vacate the active-duty rank of brigadier general via death, retirement, resignation, discharge, promotion to a higher permanent grade, or reversion to a lower permanent grade upon relinquishing an office bearing the statutory rank of brigadier general. It includes periods during which the officer served at a higher brevet or temporary rank without vacating a permanent grade of brigadier general, but not periods during which the officer reverted to a lower permanent grade after serving as a brigadier general of the staff. Dates are taken from Heitman, the Army Register, Eicher and Eicher, or Marquis Who's Who. For background, see and. For background, see , in Official Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the United States, vol. Colonel served as Acting Judge Advocate General for over a decade before Swaim retired and Lieber became Judge Advocate General in his own right. For background, see History of the Judge Advocate General's Corps, 1775—1975, pp. Officers who declined appointments as brigadier general included , , , and. Hearings before the Military Affairs Committee of the United States Senate on the Army Appropriation Bill for the Fiscal Year 1906—1907, p.

Fort Benning's Armor Commandant promoted to Brigadier General
Brevet brigadier general, 13 Mar 1865. Major general of militia, 1 Apr 1803—30 May 1814; major general of volunteers, 10 Dec 1812—30 May 1814. Brigadier general of volunteers, 17 May 1861—1 May 1862; major general of volunteers, 1 May 1862—12 Aug 1864. Amid all advertising things that you simply can use, a few of the most favored ones are: Marketing Pens, Advertising Calendars, and Advertising Office environment Provides. Actived: 7 days ago. Jansen, to be Lieutenant General. Brevet brigadier general and brevet major general, 13 Mar 1865. The identical tend to be responsible for other forms of traditional marketing like television, radio and Internet-based ads.

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Edward Mendelson The Best Data Recovery Software of 2018 Don't panic. Data recovery software is your best and sometimes only hope of getting lost files back. We test and pick the best utilities for both Macs and PCs. You've Lost a File, Now What? Nothing can make you feel more helpless than trying to rescue a file from a failing PC, Mac, or external drive. Maybe it's the trove of family photos that suddenly can't be found in its folder, or the important documents you scanned and saved as PDFs to a now-failing hard drive. Whatever the case, you'll do anything— anything—to get those files back. Relax; you don't have to offer up your firstborn or a kidney to do so. A Data recovery may be just the solution you need to get you out of the pickle you find yourself in. What Can Data Recovery Software Can Do? Data recovery software can be almost miraculously useful in some situations, and entirely useless in others. The best of the file-recovery apps that we reviewed make it effortless to recover files from traditional spinning hard drives, flash drives, SD cards, and other forms of portable storage, including your phone. They can also retrieve some or all of the data that you otherwise can't access on a failing CD or DVD disk. What they can't do—because no consumer-level software can do it—is recover a file that you deleted from the that's probably in your laptop if you bought it in the past year or so, and possibly in your desktop if it's also of recent vintage. For SSD data recovery, you'll need to send your disk to a recovery lab; more on that below. Many of the apps we reviewed have both Windows and Mac versions, and they may be priced slightly differently. Where data recovery software is most useful is when you mistakenly formatted a thumb drive or a media card without remembering to grab the files already stored there, or if you mistakenly deleted files from your phone. This is the kind of mishap that can happen to anyone. Advanced users often get overeager about emptying the Recycle Bin, and want to get back files they didn't intend to delete forever. If you're using a traditional spinning hard drive, the best recovery software can restore those lost files. A few advanced users—you know who you are—have even deleted whole disk partitions by mistake when performing housekeeping on their hard disks. Again, with a traditional spinning hard drive, recovery software can bring it back in one piece. All these apps offer to recover lost or deleted files. Some include the ability to make a disk image or full clone of a drive so that you can try to recover files from the image or clone instead of from the disk itself. This is an essential feature if you're trying to recover files from a disk that's physically failing, and may continue to fail if your recovery software keeps trying to read from it. Some data recovery apps also include the opposite of file recovery—permanent file deletion. When you want to make sure that no one can retrieve your data, you can tell these apps to overwrite the data with enough random bytes to make the original data unreadable. Keep in mind that government agencies have tools that can retrieve data from almost anything, but these apps make it impractical even for expert thieves to recover private information from stolen or discarded disk drives. Where Software Fails, Labs May Succeed Several of the data recovery apps we reviewed come from companies that offer laboratory-based data recovery services—always at a high price. If you can't recover data from your drive with an app, then you can consider getting it recovered by an in-lab service. All of these services claim to recover data even from SSDs. We haven't tested these claims, but all these services won't charge you unless they actually retrieve your data, so it may be worth looking into them in case of real emergencies. Those services—Kroll, Prosoft, and Seagate—that offer mail-in recovery labs are noted in the table above, and you can read about the details of the particular offerings in the full reviews of those services. A Caveat About SSDs One failing that bothered us in all these apps—including our top picks—is that they didn't even warn us that we couldn't recover files from an SSD. It's easy for an app to tell whether a drive uses spinning-platter or SSD technology, and easy to tell whether TRIM technology is active in a drive. All of the software we reviewed, both on the Mac and PC, misleadingly told us that they were able to recover deleted files from SSDs—and then disappointed us by providing corrupt and unusable files instead of the ones we wanted. We hope that the next generation of data recovery software is redesigned to make it clear that we can't hope for file recovery on SSDs unless the deleted files are safely in the Recycle Bin—where, of course, they're easy to find without using recovery software. The reason that data recovery software can't recover data from SSDs is simple. Virtually all current SSDs use so-called TRIM technology that increases efficiency and disk life by clearing disk sectors that are not being used. One result of this is that the data can't be recovered by software, even if the file system retains its record of the sectors where the data used to be. With traditional spinning hard drives and USB flash drives, file recovery is relatively simple. Recovery software can find the location of a file's data even if you've emptied the Recycle Bin, often even if you've reformatted the disk. But once a file is deleted from an SSD, and the Recycle Bin has been emptied, there's no hope of ever getting that file back again, unless you have a backup somewhere. Which Data Recovery Software Do You Need? We found two Editors' Choice data recovery apps for Windows: Kroll Ontrack EasyRecovery and Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery. Ontrack was the best performer in our tests, very slightly outclassing Stellar Phoenix in the number of files it recovered, but Stellar Phoenix has by far the best interface of anything we tried. On the Mac side Alsoft DiskWarrior is an Editors' Choice, for its ability to rebuild entire Mac directories. Prosoft Data Rescue is an excellent choice for getting back the odd document or spreadsheet that you accidentally deleted from your Mac. Lost data can cause financial problems and emotional heartache. You probably have hundreds of photos and sound files that you can't bear to lose. A reliable backup system is the best option, but data recovery software is the second-best, and sometimes the only, choice available. Look into our suggestions now, so you'll be ready if disaster strikes. Once you've got your files back, you'll want to regularly back up your work. Our roundups of the , the , and the are good places to start. Pros: High-powered, fast, full-featured file recovery. Exceptionally lucid and helpful interface. In-app previews of recovered files. Cons: Recovers slightly fewer deleted files than OnTrack or Prosoft's products. Bottom Line: For beginners and non-technical users, Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery is the obvious first choice among data recovery software. A beautifully designed, efficient interface makes the program a pleasure to use. Integrated chat button, available call center, and physical recovery lab. Cons: Without advanced filtering, it can be difficult to sift through results. Hides some valuable features. Bottom Line: After fifteen years in the business, Prosoft Data Rescue continues to offer one of the most powerful and accessible tools for data recovery. Useful hardware and maintenance tools. Effective for traditional hard disk and solid-state drives. Cons: The OS X Recovery partition complicates booting into the utility. Bottom Line: While other data recovery utilities can scan disks to recover lost or deleted files, DiskWarrior is unrivaled in its ability to repair and rebuild the Mac directory. Fast and efficient scanning. Saves file-scan data for use in later sessions. Cons: Over-complex, under-informative interface. Option to create disk-copy clones rather than faster, more manageable disk images. Licensed to five drives only. Bottom Line: Prosoft Data Rescue is among the best when it comes to raw data-recovery power, but it's burdened by a complex, clumsy interface. Cons: Repairing volumes requires the utility's Platinum edition. Would benefit from advanced filtering. License transfer is onerous. Ineffective for recovering files on solid-state hard drives. Bottom Line: While it doesn't provide the most sophisticated tools for filtering recovery results, Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery offers an easy on-ramp to Mac data recovery. Unique features, including data protection and iOS recovery. Cons: Ineffective for recovering files on solid-state drives. Some features less useful than others. Bottom Line: If you have Mac with a traditional hard drive, Disk Drill Pro offers one of the most advanced data recovery utilities available. Rich in technically advanced options. Backed up by Ontrack's mail-in disk recovery. No option to create a disk image from a failing disk. Bottom Line: Kroll Ontrack EasyRecovery is the most powerful, thorough data recovery software we've tested, and it's blazing fast, too. Its only real drawback is a sometimes-daunting interface. Available in-house data recovery lab and insurance policies Rescue Plans. Cons: Some glitches with STX server during testing. Ineffective for recovering files on solid-state hard drives. Bottom Line: While it's not as feature-rich as some competing tools, Seagate Premium File Recovery Suite provides a simple, fast, and capable utility backed by one of the largest names in data recovery. Thumbnail previews for recovered files. Direct link to Seagate's in-lab recovery service. Recovered fewer files than competitive products. Bottom Line: Seagate is a major player in the disk drive industry, but its Premium Recovery Suite consumer-level data recovery software has a very restrictive licensing model.

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Flirting In Spanish Hot & Spicy Pick up lines In Spanish With English Translations
That makes you the creme de la creme of foreigners. Most Guys are incredibly boring If you look into a Tinder Account of a female friend, you will see that 80% of the caballeros all write the same boring crap. This screenshot is all just coordinating logistics. Contextual lines trump canned lines. This is why you always have to be on your toes and read to problem solve until the girl is actually in the car on the way. Esta es una canción excelente. She has so much more servile than in real life. Either way, this question is cute and shows off spanish tinder lines sensitive side. I wanted you to have dinner with me. I fucked her close to an hour in every position I could think of. Spanish is one of those languages that zip to ooze sultriness and mystique. To conjugate the past subjunctive, start with the third-person plural form : hablaron.

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Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.